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Considering Liposuction For Fat Reduction

We’ve all heard the supposed secret to losing weight – eat healthy foods, cut out or limit sugar and carbs, drink lots of water, and exercise daily. The truth is, though, despite all of these ways in which you can lead a healthy lifestyle, none truly guarantee that they will help you lose weight in the areas you desire. 

Genetics can play a significant role in how and where we shed the most pounds, which is why many who wish to lose weight in certain areas of their bodies opt for surgical procedures like liposuction.

Liposuction is a great way to create a more proportionate appearance by targeting difficult areas that store fat deposits such as:

  • Thighs
  • Hips & buttocks
  • Abdomen & waist
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Inner Knee
  • Chest Area
  • Cheeks, chin, and neck
  • Calves & ankles

How Does Liposuction Work?

At Zannis Plastic Surgery in New Bern, NC, Dr. Zannis utilizes three main variations of the liposuction procedure to achieve each patient’s best results. The method we use for you will depend on your targeted weight loss needs, your goals, and your body’s proportions, all of which we will discuss with you during your first consultation.

  • The first liposuction method is the tumescent or super-wet technique. Performed under local anesthesia, this technique reduces blood loss as well as the need for additional procedures.
  • SmartLipo® is laser-assisted lipoplasty that not only liquefies fat with laser energy but promotes new collagen formation to tighten the skin around the area of fat removal. With this method, you’re less likely to experience bruising or bleeding and more likely to have a faster recovery time.
  • SAFELipo® combines liposuction, fat shifting, and fat grafting to reduce fat while also improving proportions for a smoother appearance. As this method doesn’t require as much heat as other techniques, it avoids excessive cell death and inflammation post-surgery.

What Can I Expect From Recovery?

For patients who choose to undergo liposuction procedures, there will be a brief recovery period, after which any swelling or bruising will reduce. Within two to four weeks, you can expect to begin seeing the results of your procedure, though the best results are often seen within 2-6 months post-liposuction.

It’s important to note that though your problem areas may not be easy to reduce on your own with just exercise and a healthy diet, these lifestyle adjustments will help to avoid future weight gain in the areas targeted during liposuction. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how a liposuction procedure can help you achieve your fat loss goals, contact Dr. Zannis today, or view results of past liposuction patients in our gallery.